Wednesday, August 24, 2005

new blog...

Friday, December 17, 2004

capital punishment is stupid. if you care to know why ask.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Exactly 1461 days till November 4, 2008-- ELECTION DAY '08

Exactly 1536 days 14 hours 22 min till NOON January 20, 2009 -- W2 forever gone.
bush wins.

I guess it doesn't affect me much, as long as i'm not...

indian/iraqi/or anyone that looks middle eastern,
a believer in a non-christian religion,
in the military,
out of a job,
looking for a job,
a tree

.. soo it's all good.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Asian Professionals Night
Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
7:00pm @ theTxUnion Quadrangle Room
FREE T-shirts!

Please come...

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Take the Votergasm Pledge! Choose from 3:

I pledge to withhold sex from non-voters for the week following the election.

I pledge to have sex with a voter on election night and withhold sex from non-voters for the week following the election.

American Hero:
I pledge to have sex with a voter on election night and withhold sex from non-voters for the next four years.

What are you?

*Compliments of dynamiteMissJ!

Friday, October 22, 2004

updated polling results
whats worse then a conservative?
a conservative who think s/hes liberal.

who do you think your kidding?

...besides yourself?

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Follow the NO CARB rule:
NO C-heney
NO A-shcroft
NO R-umsfeld
NO B-ush

and absolutely NO RICE
There is still so much I have to learn about myself.

Friday, October 15, 2004

New 2004 election polling results (pdf).


I seriously believe that we ought to reconsider our participation in BSO this year. I find it morally appalling that we willfully contribute each year to the total squander of food. How much do you think BC wastes annually on this event-- $200? $300? More? At any rate, any amount is ethically questionable. Such practices are simply socially objectionable especially when there are families in our very own community who struggle daily to put food on their tables. We promote ourselves as philanthropic-- committed to community service and outreach; this mission seems to be incompatible with the values portrayed within BSO. Granted that there is little direct harm caused by such an exploitation of food, however what’s paramount are the intangible ethical questions. The ill use of food evokes a sense of social elitism, a stereotype the business school is frequently wrongfully accused of. However, there is really no adequate defense for the abuse and misuse of such resources demonstrated in BSO. I have participated in BSO for the past 2 years and have not realized the gravity of the situation until recently.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I know a little bit of everything...
...but not a whole lot of anything.

Jack of all trades...
...master of none.

Is it better to know alot of everything or just do one thing really well?