Friday, January 30, 2004

im terrible with names.
its embarassing when you call a person by the wrong name,
esspecially when they still know yours.
when i can't think of their real names
sometimes i remember them by there screenames.
ill remember faces forever.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

my professors are TOO liberal. yea this is coming from a person that is as left as you can get without being considered a socialists. though i agree with most of there views and i believe in academic freedom, its how they present their views during class discussions that produces an unfair slant towards the left, leaving many of the more conservatives students uncomfortable of speaking. education is in fact about discourse and when certain people interefere with the expression of differing ideas we can no longer consider that educationally healthy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

blog annoyances...

1. backgrounds that are so elaborate that they interfere with the text
2. text colors that are inappropriate for the background (yellow back, white text)
3. music or other multimedia that take forever to load

its your blog do whatever you want, just thought i'd share.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Race is a social construction:
It is society that creates and defines the make up of race. Race is not an exact classification such as gender or blood type. From a scientific standpoint, it is a construction only slightly more important then hair color or eye color. The emphasis placed on the color of our skin is an emphasis arbitrarily created but the world we live in, rather then scientific standards. It is a creation meant to serve certain purposes for certain people. For instance, Asian Indians are considered generally to be of the Asian race, however from a genealogical standpoint, natives of the Asian sub-continent have ancestries more closely related to Europeans then to East Asians. So why have our south Asian friends been effortlessly labeled as ‘Asian’ rather then European/Caucasian or a separate classification of there own? In this case, besides the obvious aesthetic reasons, European hegemony and colonialism play major roles in the racial identification of South Asians. A case where European “Hispanics” (i.e. Spain, Portugal) are more often then not considered Caucasian while Hispanics brought up in south and central America are not, while both have clear Latin roots, clearly exemplifies how subjective the idea of race truly is. Race identity and its creation holds no ill in itself; it is when race is used to subjugate entire groups of people at the benefit of another that we must investigate how and why racial identities are created and assigned.
versatility of 'FUCK'

Saturday, January 24, 2004

coonies soong wants to goto A&M... convince her not to go!
my LEB professor, prof baker, is an odd one, hes entertaining but he tells alot of crude and sometimes tasteless jokes, he got good reviews on pick-a-prof, so maybe behind all the histrionics i'll actually learn something.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 i went to sleep at 11pm tonight. i was so proud, finally sleeping early. but guess what im up again and i cant fall back asleep....

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

class starts later today and i cant fall asleep, its 3:00am. fortunately my first class doesnt start till 12:30. its been a long break, over a month, our next break isnt till spring. i think id much rather have a shorter winter break and more breaks in between now and spring break then to have one super long winter break, make sense?

kerry won the caucus in iowa. sad how everyone is just gonna go back to ignoring that state, they only get noticed once every four years. texas primaries arent till march, havent been following the issues much. i dont care who wins the democratic nomination as long as he defeats bush, however unlikely that might be.

Monday, January 19, 2004

...tag my tag board.
YAY for MLK day
BOO for Columbus day
poker hasnt been going well. the poker gods havent been playing on my side these past few months. its time to turn to bingo and scratch off tickets.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Like many, I grew up with the notion that the American justice system was built upon integrity, honor, and most importantly fairness. It was this idea that even if the most powerless, the most underprivileged were brought to the steps of Justice these noble principles would easily prevail. However, with the recent enactment of the Patriot Act and other measures to “protect” our freedoms, we have actually seen an unmistakable assault on our Bill of Rights. For generations tyrannical majorities have used the excuse of National Security to undermine the liberties of the minority. It is senseless to trade liberty for security; yet many are willing and even eager to substitute one fear for another. But, more importantly with such an exchange we abandon what it means to be American; we abandon the principles of fairness, integrity, honor and justice, cornerstones of our history. We must make it clear that there should be no quid pro quo; liberty should not be up for barter.
from this day forward i will refrain from asking and answering rhetorical questions while blogging. its terrible style not to mention annoying.

Friday, January 16, 2004

its raining...still

Thursday, January 15, 2004

did the color orange come before the fruit or the fruit before the color? it would make more sense if the color came first. intersting how its the same in chinese. what about plum or apricot?
i hate how i write it never flows
ok, im back...