Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Lawyers, Ethics, and World Domination

Someone once told me that there were only two reasons why people became lawyers, either to save the world-- or to take it over, but why do one when you can do both. First, save the world, then, take it over. World domination isn't exactly in my career plans, but I wouldn't mind becoming ruler of the universe, though I think you need more then a law degree to do that.

Lawyers are just as bad as Business people when it comes to ethics. Maybe its 'cause most of their clients are from business. They led them astray. Ambitious lawyer who dreamed of fighting injustice turned towards darkenss by the claws of big business, not to mention big money. Anyways, lawyers have been poorly stereotyped as liars and generally scum of the universe. When in actuality, they aren’t liars at all! Attorney's simply exercising their judicial duty as an officer of the court to ensure the best light always falls upon their client. Now doesn't that sound much better then liar liar?


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